PR032: Various – Marks Of Provenance – Textures - The fourth volume in our annual compilation series is a fundraiser for the Bridging the [..]
PR023: Arrom x KAIAR – Truce - Grown from a mutual love of electronics, experimentation and off-kilter beats – and clinched [..]
PR022: Various – Marks Of Provenance III - The third volume in our annual compilation series is a fundraiser for the Australian [..]
PR015: Arrom – Take My Lymphs Remixes - Melbourne’s Arrom draws on Aphir, KAIAR, Hypersleep & more for Take My Lymphs Remixes. [..]
PR014: Various – Marks Of Provenance II - The second annual free Provenance label compilation, ‘Marks Of Provenance II’. The second annual [..]
PR006: KAIAR – KAIAR - Melbourne electronic dream pop producer KAIAR releases debut EP The self-titled KAIAR EP is [..]
ARTIST: KAIAR - KAIAR is a Canberra-born; Melbourne-based emerging Dream Pop producer that lived her first 17 [..]
PR003: Various – Marks Of Provenance I - The first label compilation from Provenance. Marks Of Provenance I is the first label compilation [..]