Provenance Collective
Filed under Artists


KAIAR is a Canberra-born; Melbourne-based emerging Dream Pop producer that lived her first 17 years in a cult that believes all world governments are under Satan’s control and condemns oral sex. This antithesis of a stable adolescence shaped KAIAR’s sound – an alloy of sweet and sincere vocals and lyrics, wrought by extraordinary self-production.

KAIAR’s incredibly layered vocals and melodies explore the depths of her upbringing and transition into adult life, just breaking through the surface when her peers had already reached shore.

KAIAR is the Sirens’ song heard by the sailors in Homer’s Odyssey – lured into shipwreck, before being devoured moments later.


PR003: Various – Marks Of Provenance I
PR014: Various – Marks Of Provenance II
PR022: Various – Marks Of Provenance III
PR023: Arrom x KAIAR – Truce


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